WOL Campus Ministry has been a solid support system for me, a home away from home. In WOLCM, I found a family whose bond is built in praying, eating, talking, and playing together, but more importantly a bond that is deeply rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ. Here is a family that supports and encourages one another, not just in academics but also in other aspects of life. Being a UPLB student is no doubt very difficult, but it would have been harder if not for WOLCM. WOLCM became a safe space for me to express my faith and ask questions regarding that without having to be afraid. But at the same time, WOLCM also encourages me to reach out more classmates, professors, and friends for the Lord. Also, in a week full of academic stress, Bible Clubs and other WOLCM activities became a resting pause, a time to just stop for a while and enjoy God’s presence, His Word, and fellowship with other believers. In WOLCM, I also met people that became good friends. WOLCM Students' Center also became my favorite place in UPLB because, there, I always feel safe and comfortable. I thank and praise God for WOLCM.
Jaycee Villaraza
BS Agricultural Biotechnology | 3rd year student

Hi! I'm Dion Advincula, a freshie student of UPLB in BS Agricultural Biotechnology and I will be sharing my testimony on how WOL Campus Ministry greatly impacted my life academically and spiritually. I first encountered WOL in their grand opening online event as I wanted to find a place where I could be connected with God's word despite being far from my ministry in Leyte. My main reason in reaching out to WOL was simply to not let the fire go down in terms of getting to know God more. I was scared being separated from my ministry and family, stepping out of my comfort zone but the WOL Campus Ministry Family made me feel safe and assured. I planned to be lowkey in all kinds of forms and just focus academically and spiritually, avoiding things that could contaminate me. The WOL Campus Ministry made me realize that I cannot do things simply by my own and need other people to lean on. I thank WOL Campus Ministry for the love, overflowing wisdom, joy and most importantly the free food and Internet connection. I'm thankful to God for letting me experience WOL Campus Ministry in my life.
Dion Advincula
BS Agricultural Biotechnology | First Year Student